The annual Chamber Music Concert is held especially for pianists belonging to the London Suzuki Group (LSG). It will take place at St Mary's Church, Elsworthy Road, Hampstead, NW3 3DJ. 

All LSG pianists from Book 2 + are invited to play a well known piece which will be accompanied by a faculty String Quartet. 

There will be two concerts: the first at 3 pm and the second at 4.30 pm. There will also be a short interval with refreshments. 

Please contact the Director, Christine Magasiner, for the repertoire list of pieces with stringed accompaniment and any further information. 

Applications should be made to her with the following information: Name and age of pupil; name and length of piece; name and e-mail of teacher; LSG membership number; any preference for first or second concert.

This event is a favourite for performers and their families and friends so be sure to put it in your diary. Entrance is FREE.

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